Archival research in European archives and libraries, especially in Italy.
Conducting archival research in libraries and archives in Florence and Rome or at other places in Italy/Europe. The transcription of the archival documents is also possible in combination with a scientific research, using secondary literature to be able to interpret the archival documents in their historical context. I worked in the following archives and libraries, but obviously, other archives and libraries can be included in the research.
Visiting libraries/archives to search for specific archival documents and order copies/reproductions/photographs of them, providing this is allowed by the specific institutions.
Transcription of letters and other egodocuments in different languages (Dutch, English, German, French, Italian)
My specialization lies in transcribing letters and other documents written in the Italian language in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and in the Dutch language from the sixteenth until the twentieth century. If the handwriting is rather clear to read also documents in other languages are possible.
Interpretation and annotation of collections of letters
Also in combination with the writing of a scientific article.
Editing texts written in the Dutch language, with a cultural, political or historical subject - checking of grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, and the overall structure and logic.
Proofreading and correcting press proofs of texts written in the Dutch language.
Historical, art historical or cultural historical research
Conducting archival research and research to secondary sources on a specific theme, object, person or group of persons, movement or genre, including the writing of a text (scientific article or a text meant for a larger audience), in which the collected data are presented in a clear and structured way. The research can take place in the Netherlands or in other countries and I am able to read scientific and other publications in the following languages: Italian, French, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch. My specialization lies in the research to Italian art and culture between 1250 and 1700, mainly in Rome and Florence, but by mutual agreement I can also conduct research to other topics and periods.
Travel reports (with or without text) and photographs/photo reports of cities, countries, geographic regions or nature reserves. My specializations are: